Genuine Buddy 170i Top Speed

Genuine Buddy 170i Top Speed

  1. HI Guys,

    I test-rode a used GB 150 today. I was very surprosed at how slow it was. Top speed was between 55-60. It was no faster than my Agility 125. Acceleration was worse if anything. Does that sound right? I was hoping for an easy 70 or so indicated. It's a 2009 with only 115 miles. The battery was dead but it kick-started with no real problems. It idled a little rough, but not too bad. Just slow off the line and slow top end.


  2. Sounds about right for a low-mileage stock GB 150.

    My '08 got a bit better acceleration once it was fully broken in, but it never GPSed better than 60-point-something on the flats. A reliable, for-around-town scoot, pretty much.

  3. That's about normal for that scooter. I have a '13 Buddy 170i and it tops out at about 60, though acceleration is pretty good up to 55 or so. Genuine lists the top speed of both as 55. They'll handle 4 lane boulevard 50 mph traffic fine but aren't freeway cruisers.

    An easy 70mph isn't gonna happen with less than 200cc though a Honda PCX 150 will probably hit 70 at wot on a level road with no headwind.

    You should probably be looking for at least a SYM 200, but a Kymco DT 300 or Piaggio BV 350 would be more relaxed at that speed and reach it quicker.

  4. I was getting 55-60 indicated. (headwind-tailwind). That seems a little slow, no? I saw a review where they got 72 indicated, about 65 actual. that's what I was hoping for. Hell, my Agility 125 does 60+ indicated. Am I out to lunch on this?
  5. the agility is an especially strong 125. the buddy is a good 150, but not much more then the 125 version. maybe it has something to do with the particular buddy you were riding, too? i find the buddy accelerates and holds speed better then the agility. also goes up hills better

    but that sounds right. 55-60mph real world top speed. for some, a bit past 60mph. 70mph indicated under normal riding conditions? mine goes to the mid 60's and usually stops there. if it gets there. i have not gps'd but according to street radar my 65mph is an actual 59mph. so make what you want of that :1drink

  6. Owning a Buddy 125 - I'd say that seems a little "slow". Fastest I've been is GPS 62; indicated was more, but it was a long run. What I am surprised about is your comment on being slow off the line -is that compared to your Agility? The speeds of the two about the same as far as I have read.

    Did you expect much more from the additional 25cc? I think that you will agree that the finish on the Buddy is better than the Agility.

    Were you looking to replace the Agility with something faster, or adding to the fleet?

  7. It is equal to or a little slower off the line than my A125. It felt significantly slower than the Genuine Buddy 125 I rode a week ago, almost to the point where I was wondering if I was imagining it.

    I was actually expecting a little more with the extra 25 ccs. Sure it's only 25 ccs, but it's also a 20% bump in displacement.

    I'm looking for something a little faster, and I REALLY like the fact that the GB is about 2/3 the size of the Agility. Smaller = Better in my book

  8. The Genuine Blackjack 150 was a mildly-amped, better-accelerating version of the 'standard' Buddy 150 (red/cream "Pamplona" , green "Italia", blue "something French" International series) but I don't recall that they hit anything like those numbers. 55-ish + were about its limits. Acceleration noticeably improves with break-in.

    Maybe somebody over on has more info.

  9. Here is some stuff I was reading from a GB 150 review. Nfw the bike I was riding was like they are describing:

    With a 160 pound rider, the Buddy 150 had a top speed of 65 MPH (indicated 72 MPH). Again, I am pretty sure that after break-in this will go up a bit. With a 210 pound rider (me) the top speed was 62 MPH. Fuel economy during the test was 82 MPG. I consider this to be extremely good as the Buddy was ridden at varying speeds, by several riders and was ridden QUICKLY by all.

    Did I mention that the Buddy 150 is quick? It makes other 150cc scooters seem slow by comparison. This isn't just me talkin' - lots of other people took the Buddy for a spin and they all commented on what a little speed-demon this scooter is. The Buddy 150 handles very well and has strong, progressive brakes. It fits shorter riders VERY well and can accommodate riders up to about six feet tall. There is room for two – for short rides anyway – and the Buddy is happiest at mid-range speeds. On faster surface roads (45 MPH posted speeds) the Buddy 150 feels like the quickest thing on the road.

  10. May 2008 review, about the same time I bought mine.

    A tad, ah, optimistic there...

  11. Yours will go 60 actual on flat ground? That's all I'm looking for. What is that on the speedo?
  12. That was back in '08, & post break-in on a dead flat...and it took a loooong time to get there. Not a good idea for the engine/drive train; not meant for that kind of sustained WOT stress at all. IMHO.

    I had already learned to disregard the speedo after noting that it was way, way out at any speed.

    Not dissing the bike, here; a solid performer for what it was intended. Don't think that real-world experience for most Buddy 150 owners was much different.

    Traded it in for Vespa GTS 250ie.

  13. JerryH

    JerryH Proudly Powered By Internal Combustion Supporter

    Don't know about the 150, but a Buddy 125 will easily blow away a Vino 125. My Zuma 125 (FI) topped out at about 55, but then I put a windshield on it, and it will now hit just above 60 indicated. But, it will not cruise at that speed. The slightest hill or headwind drops the speed considerably.
  14. Love my buddy 125. Seems very fast off the line to me.
  15. my buddy 150 is noticeably (if not significantly) faster off the line and to 50mph then my Agility 125. 60mph actual is not common on my Agility, close to 60 on the Buddy is

    i weigh 240

    i own and ride both scooters :1drink

  16. You can bend the needle on the speedometer and make it go an indicated 45 when it's sitting still and then when you go fifty, you can go an indicated hundred and fifty but everybody will still be flipping you off and passing you for being the lame ass guy on the Moped in the fast lane who's holding up traffic.. How amazingly cool is that?
  17. I have a blackjack mad I weigh 225 lbs. goes about 63 mph with stock pipe.

    Lou's pipe little faster and faster to speed.

  18. Except for the fact that I'm awesome!
  19. If it is not in a state of perfect tune it seems rather hard to expect perfect performance.

Genuine Buddy 170i Top Speed



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